Message to the parents Greek School of the Greek Community of Oshawa and District

Dear Parents,

I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the students, parents and teachers for a great school year. We hope your children enjoyed coming to Greek School.

 I know what a struggle it can be bringing the children to Greek School. I was one of those students that gave her mother a hard time about attending Greek afternoon school, as my children gave me a hard time. Many decades later, I am still involved…and my children actually were thankful for going to Greek School because it helped them at university. Many medical terms do come from the Greek language.

Our goal is to make Greek school fun so they the kids want to come to class. We hope we are getting there. We would love to hear from you regarding the program, good or bad. We would love to hear your suggestions in improving the program. The last day of Greek school is this coming Wednesday, May 22 at 6:00 p.m. The closing ceremony will be held at the Italian Hall, located at 245 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa.
 The Greek Community of Oshawa and District will be providing pizza for everyone. Please let us know if you and your child/children will be attending. We would like a ball park figure on how many pizzas’ to order. Please indicate how many adults and children will be attending. We ask the parents to kindly bring a fruit platter or nut free dessert to the closing ceremony.

 It will be a short program, one song, one dance, and graduation ceremony for children finishing Greek School this year. Scholarships will be given out to three university students from the Greek Community of Oshawa and District. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me with remind, email, text or phone. My cell is (905)429-7447. Have a great summer.
 If you are visiting Greece this summer and are in the Aegio/Patra area or going to Olympia drop in and say hi. Our seaside village is called Selianitika. With my best regards, Susan Andrews Principal, Greek School of the Greek Community of Oshawa and District.

See you Wednesday.

Susan Andrews
Greek School of the Greek Community of Oshawa and District